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Nuevas fundaciones en Jersey

Jersey, cuna de los Trust, parece que quiere jugar en los dos campos, y ha apostado decididamente tambien por las Fundaciones.

A continuacion vamos a dar un resumen de informacion sobre fundaciones en Jersey.

Como la mayoria de los interesados en este vehiculo de gestión de riesgos leen ingles, y no todos español, vamos a describir la fundacion de Jersey en español. Si tienen dudas, por favor no duden en contactarnos.

The Jersey Foundation, a new 'hybrid' vehicle, has significant potential as an offshore shelter or asset protection for tax payers. The Jersey Foundation appears to have certain advantages over both the traditional offshore company and offshore trust, although each case will need to be assessed on its own particular set of facts. We expect the Jersey Foundation to be enacted in July 2009.

What can Foundations be used for?
Given the flexibility of Foundations, a number of possibilities arise:
- To carry out scientific, humanitarian, philanthropic, religious or charitable activities or to manage funds reserved for the same

- As a substitute for a will or a pre-nuptial agreement

- To own or invest in shares of prívate companies or other securities

- Management and safeguarding of assets on behalf of minors and other vulnerable persons

- Consolidation of control of family businesses

- Special Purpose Vehicle i.e. use of the Foundation as a corporate entity for a commercial (non-charitable) purpose

Key Benefits of the Jersey Foundation

- Except as specifically provided under the Foundations Law, or by its Charter or Regulations, a Jersey Foundation is not required to provide any person (including a beneficiary) with any information about the Foundation. This is another advantage over the offshore trust, whose trustees have to worry about claims for information from potential beneficiaries.

- The Foundation is managed by a Council who are supervised by a Guardian. This arrangement is much more flexible than the trustee/protector relationship, which without care can lead to the collapse of a trust with serious tax and other consequences.

- It is a body corporate with sepárate legal personality - but does not have shareholders or participators. The Foundation have some advantages compared with an offshore company, whose shareholders, 'owners' or 'participators' are normally deemed to receive income or gains of the offshore company under typical anti-avoidance legalisation directed against traditional companies.

- A Foundation may have a perpetual existence - thus avoiding any problems relating to rules of perpetuity that can complícate trusts.

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